Dr. Dongang Ceraphine Mangwa

Dr. Dongang Ceraphine Mangwa


Ceraphine Mangwa holds a Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Science at the University of Buea. She is a researcher and a consultant with experience in the field of Natural resources and environmental management. She has conducted research on community perception of Forest conservation Policies and

the impact on Land cover change in Bakossi and Korup National Park. she has done consultancy on a diverse number of issues with the most recent on Assessing the Potential of Nypa Palm for Charcoal Production and Local Perception, Utilization in the Littoral Region for Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). She also conducted fieldwork on social vulnerability assessment to climate change with World Wide Fund (WWF) Limbe in Cape Cameroon, Mabeta, Kangue, and Mboko. She is currently working on a number of researches including

  • Geo-referencing and mapping out the extent of Nypa palm invasion along the Cameroon coastline.
  • Characterizing physio-chemical conditions of water and soil under Nypa palm and other mangrove species stands favouring Nypa palm establishment.
  • Assessing the status of current valorization by examining the perception of community and utilization of Nypa palm
  • Proposing concrete measures and strategies to limit/ check their invasive threat to Cameroon mangrove.

She is presently an IPBES Fellow with Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Thematic Assessment of Invasive Alien Species and their control.