Assessing the Population and Enhancing the Capacity of Peripheral Communities in the Conservation of Pangolin…
Brief Background:
The Kimbi-Fungom National Park is located between 6.5-6.9° N and 9.8-10.5° E in the Northwest Region of Cameroon covering a total land surface of 95,380 ha. This national park is located in three divisions of the Northwest Region of Cameroon cutting across four sub-divisions. These divisions are Menchum, Boyo and Dongo Mantung and found in the respective sub-divisions of Fungom and Fru Awa, Misaje and Bum. This park was created under Prime Ministerial decree number 2015/0024/PM of 3 February 2015 with a total surface area of 95,380 ha. This park is a consortium of two old reserves that were created on 2 May 1936 as the Fungom Native Administration Forest Reserve (Forestry Ordinance, 42 of 1936) and 1964 as Kimbi Wildlife Sanctuary. These two reserves existed with respective sizes of 327.25 km2 and 51.4 km2.The northern area of the park runs along the Cameroon-Nigeria borders while the eastern, southern and western parts of the park are within Cameroon territory stretching to the Nigerian border at the Gayama Basin. These vegetation types are the low land rainforest, gallery forest, woody savanna and grassland savanna. Some good research have been carried out in the park but with very little about the most threatened pangolin.
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